Monday, February 15, 2021

City presentation

With this post we pretend to introduce also our city. All these cities will be host cities at any time of the project.

Enjoy knowing a little bit more from each place!!

1. Lleida (Spain)

2. Portici (Italy)

3. Tuzla / Istambul (Turkey)

4. Sofia (Bulgary)

6. Mangualde (Portugal)

Monday, February 8, 2021

School presentation

 Here you are some videos from our pupils introducng our schools, giving you some more details. Enjoy them

1. Escola Països Catalans (Lleida / Spain)

2. I.C.S.C. Santagata 5º-C.D . (Portici / Italy)

3. Cahit Arf Ilkokolu (Istambul /Turkey)

4. Miasto Lódz -Szkola Podstawowa nr199 im. Juliana Tuwima (Lódz / Poland)

5. Chastno osnovno uchilishte Bankerche (Sofia / Bulgary)

6. Agrupamento de Escoles de Manguade (Mangualde / Portugal)

Friday, February 5, 2021

Logo Competition

 Here you are the selected drawings from each school in order to represent the project. From these ones we have to chose one. Which one do you like most???

1. Bulgary

2. Italy

3. Poland

4. Portugal

5. Spain

6. Turkey

And the final final final most voted and the one that is going to represent the project everywhere is....

Final result: Eco-magazine

As a final result of our project, we have designed an Eco-magazine with our reflections and opinions about different aspects of the projects...