Saturday, May 7, 2022

Ice breaker for new meeting in Portici (Italy)

 This last week our selected students that are going to visit Portici (Italy) next 15th May, met before in an online connection and play together again in a kahoot game. 

This time, the topic was know a little bit more about our countries and cultural heritage, specially about Italy and Naples, the country, region anc city that is going to host us in a few days.

Again it was a nice experience and we spent a really good time together meeting each other on a virtual way. Can't wait to do it physically!!

Video summary from the 1st short-term exchange of group of pupils in LLEIDA (SPAIN)

 The first time we met together!!!

Finally, and after a lot of difficulties and troubles, a group of 16 pupils accompained by 10 of their teachers stayed one week in Lleida and Països Catalans School host the meeting. This meeting was so important that it was mentioned in the newspaper.

During this week they had the opportunitty of improving their language skills, knowing a little bit of Spanish and Catalan cultures, meeteing the park we are working with: La Mitjana, making new relationships between all of them, and despite all the restrictions and the situation it became a fantastic and amazing experience.

The programme was:

Here you have an example of all the activities  that could be done during this week. You could see pictures/ photos from the first mobility for students carried on in Lleida in 20/26 of March 2022. Enjoy them!!!

If you want to see more you can direct to:

Final result: Eco-magazine

As a final result of our project, we have designed an Eco-magazine with our reflections and opinions about different aspects of the projects...