Monday, May 22, 2023

Dissemination at schools about the 5th STEGP in Lódz (Poland)

In order to let our colleagues to know what we have been doing in Poland, we have created some presentations to show them our wonderful and last physical meeting. Also we have explained to them all our stories and memories. For doing this, the pupils have created: Video with photos for Youtube (Spain, Turkey & Italy), Canva presentations &Twitter twits (Spain), Instagram posts (Turkey), Facebook posts (Bulgaria & Portugal),...

Here you are some examples about this dissemination between students:

1. Cahit Arf Ilkokulu (Tuzla/Istanbul)

2. Istituto Comprensivo Carlo Santagata 5o CD (Portici)

3. Escola Països Catalans (Lleida)

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Final result: Eco-magazine

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