Monday, June 20, 2022

Video summary from the 2nd short-term exchange of group of pupils in Portici (Italy)

During the days 15th to 21st of May, 17 pupils & 12 teachers met again physically in Portici / Naples (Italy) to carry on with the goals described in the project. Here we had the opportunity to develop our language skills and also meet new people, culture, traditions,food and language.
It was a great experience for students and also for teachers, an amazing opportunity never to forget.
Here you have the opportunity to have a look:

For further information and more details and photos, log in:  

This event was so important that it was also announced in the local media. You can find more information in:

Final result: Eco-magazine

As a final result of our project, we have designed an Eco-magazine with our reflections and opinions about different aspects of the projects...