Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 One of our final results is an ECO- MAGAZINE made with the collaboration of all the partners involved in the project: Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal, Spain & Turkey. It has been built during the three years duration of the project.

There, you can find articles written at class in the different schools related to the topic of our project. First of all you have the natural park presentations (summary) we are working with in our projects. Secondly you have the mobilities experiences explained by our students. And finally, one monthly article about green education and how to take care of our environment; little steps our students and we can do for looking after it.

It is under construction, so till the end of the project, it will be updating all time and will have uploaded different articles monthly. Follow it and you will be informed about all the news we are working on to become more GREENER!!


Erasmus+ in KA229 "Green education in green environment" in our webpages

 According to our project, we want to let you know that, furthermore than this site / place, you can find the activities, results, productions,... we are carrying on related to this green project on each school in different social media or local websites. We invite also to you to have a look and follow the following links:

1. Escola Països Catalans (Lleida /Spain)

2. Agrupamento de Escolas de Mangualde (Mangualde / Portugal)

3. Miasto Lódz Szcola Podstawowa nr199 im Juliana Tuwima (Lódz /Poland)

4. I.C.S.C. Santagata 5º C.D. (Portici / Italy)

5. Cahit Arf Ilkokulu (Tuzla-Istanbul / Turkey)

6. Bankerche Primary School (Sofia / Bulgaria)

Dissemination at schools about the last Short-term exchange of group of pupils in Bulgaria

 In our schools, after coming back from our physical meeting in Bulgaria, our students have done an speaking in different classes from each school. In some of them, have prepared videos , presentations, photos folders,... to show to the other students how their experience was in Bulgaria. 

Throught this activity, it could be seen that it has been an amazing experience that never will be forgotten and they have realised that have improved their foreign language skills ang have become more autonomous.

Here you have some examples of the activities carried on different schools:

1. Escola Països Catalans (Lleida / Spain): Our pupils have explained to their colleagues their experience with a Canva presentation, songs, explanations,... to year 5 and year 6 classes.

Añadir texto by joana

2. Szkola Podstawowa nr199 im Juliana Tuwima (Lódz / Poland): The girls have also prepared a presentation and showed to all their collegues in the school

3. In I.C. S. C. Santagata-5º C.D. they have prepared a video that can be shared anywhere:

Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Video summary from the 3rd Short-term exchange of group of pupilsin Sofia (Bulgaria)

During the days 16th to 22nd of October, 11 pupils & 12 teachers met in Sofia (Bulgaria) to have the opportunity towork again in the project and go to the National park we are working with:Vitosha mountain Natural Park.

Here we had the opportunity to develop our language skills and also meet new people, culture, traditions, folk dances, food.... This last was a big challenge to deal with, because for most of as, it is so different from ours.

It was a great experience for students and also for teachers, an amazing opportunity never to forget, "one of the best weeks of our lifes" Words from some of our pupils.

Here you have the opportunity to have a look:

If you want further information and all the photos already published and shared, you can follow the next link:

Final result: Eco-magazine

As a final result of our project, we have designed an Eco-magazine with our reflections and opinions about different aspects of the projects...