Thursday, March 30, 2023

Online connection as ice-breaker previously to going to Lódz

 Yesterday, the pupils from the partner countries taking part in the project (Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Portugal & Spain) Erasmus+ KA229 "Green education in green environment"; did an online connection in order to meet themselves before going to Lódz (Poland) next month to do the last Short-term Exchange of group of pupils.

After introducing themselves, they also played a Kahoot game to improve their knowledge about food and traditions from each of our countries. It has been funny and a pleasure to be there!!

Can't wait to meet you all in Miasto Lódz Szcola Podstawowa nr199 Juliana Tuwima next 16th April!! See you soon!

Monday, March 27, 2023

Dissemination at schools about last meeting in Mangualde

In order to let our colleagues to know what we have been doing in Portugal, we have created some presentations to show them our wonderful experience. Also we have explained to them all our stories and memories. For doing this, the pupils have created PPT preantation (Poland), Video with photos for Youtube (Spain & Italy), Canva presentations &Twitter twitts (Spain), Instagram posts (Turkey), Facebook posts (Bulgaria & Portugal),...
Here you are some examples about this dissemination between colleagues:

1.- Escola Països Catalans

2.- Szcola Podstawowa nr199 Juliana Tuwima

3.- Istituto Comprensivo C. Santagata

Video summary of the 4th Short-term Exchange of group of pupils in Mangualde (PORTUGAL)

During the days 6th to 11st of March, 15 pupils & 12 teachers met in Mangualde (Portugal) to have the opportunity to meet and learn a little bit more about Portugese culture and Mangualde city. Also we have met the National park we are working with: Serra da Estrela and all his economical activities & possibilities.

Another big opportunity to become more adults, autonomous and self-confident!! A really good journey and knowledge.

It was a great experience for students and also for teachers, an amazing opportunity never to forget, 

Here you have the opportunity to have a look on this summary:

For more information & photos here you are the link to the news:

Final result: Eco-magazine

As a final result of our project, we have designed an Eco-magazine with our reflections and opinions about different aspects of the projects...